MASH co-ordinates the hosting of the annual Primary Schools Speech Contest, showcasing the speaking skills of senior primary students who have won the preliminary competitions held at their own schools in our local area. The quality of the speakers and their speeches leaves us confident in the future of our country.
Eight schools were invited to participate in 2024. They are Our Lady of Perpetual Succour PS, Wattle Park PS, Chatham PS, Our Holy Redeemer PS, Surrey Hill PS, Mont Albert PS and Roberts McCubbin PS. Unfortunately Box Hill North PS were unable to participate this year, Each school selects its two finalists from its preliminary competition.
Candidates can select a topic for their 3 minute speech from a list of 12 which vary from year to year.
Professional judges from the Toastmasters organisation assess the finalists’ speeches and select the three best who are awarded the First Prize, the Second Prize and the Third Prize.
Each of these three prize-winners is asked to attend a regular meeting of our club soon after the final is held. The purpose of this is to exhibit their speaking skills on a different topic to the members of our club.
The 2024 finals were held on Tuesday August 20 at Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Primary School.
The winner of our competition, Benson from Roberts McCubbin went on to the District Final where he was placed third – well done Benson.