• The Rotary Club of MASH People of Action
  • The Rotary Club of MASH People of Action
  • The Rotary Club of MASH People of Action
  • The Rotary Club of MASH People of Action
  • The Rotary Club of MASH People of Action

President’s message

The 2024 – 2025 International Rotary theme is ‘The Magic of Rotary’. Our incoming Rotary International President, Stephanie Urchick, was quoted as saying, ‘We are not going to end polio or bring peace to the world by waving a wand. It’s up to us, as members, to endeavour to make this magic happen.’

In line with this the members of the Rotary Club of Mont Albert & Surrey Hills are very active in serving the community, helping the disadvantaged and raising funds for worthy projects to assist the improvement of humanity. Our activities are not only about fundraising, but also being involved in the community, making new friends and participating in projects. This creates a satisfaction in knowing that you and your fellow members are making a difference to the lives of people not as fortunate as ourselves.

This year’s objective is to continue to build on our efforts of past years and to try and grow our membership, enabling us to further the spirit of Rotary.


Rob Teese / Nigel Cooper

Presidents MASH 2024 – 2025